HiSET/GED Exam Preparation
HiSET/GED Exam Preparation
Fee: Free
Instruction: In-person/Lecture and Online/Distance
Program Description
Program Details
Next Session: Spring 2
March 24 - May 23, 2025
Morning Classes (In-person and Virtual)
Monday - Thursday: 9:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Evening Classes (In-person and Virtual)
Monday - Thursday: 5:30 p.m. - 8:35 p.m.
Student Handbook Policies
As a participant in this program/course I understand that I am bound by all the rules, regulations, and policies of 十大彩票平台 as outlined in the Springfield Technical Community College Student Handbook.
Attendance Policy
All HiSET/GED students at 十大彩票平台 must maintain a 70% attendance rate for all classes. Students are required to notify their instructors and advisor of any absences, and make-up any missed assignments. Students who are absent for more than 2 weeks without notifying their instructor or advisor or do not maintain 70% attendance for an entire 8-week session will be unenrolled from the program.
Under-18 Special Requirements
Candidates, who are 16 or 17 years of age, cannot enroll into HiSET/GED preparation courses or schedule any tests until an official Letter of Withdrawal from the last school attended has been approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Please review the DESE website for their Under-18 Special Requirements (LINK).
Partner agencies can submit Hampden Prep, HiSET/GED Classes, and T2C referrals by completing the SALC Partner Referral Form.
What should I expect after applying?
A staff member will reach out to you with a phone call to discuss your needs and set up your assessment dates.
Students take reading and math assessments before being placed in classes. These assessments will be offered in-person or online. The assessments provide information to help us put you in the correct classes.
Once assessments are complete, you will be invited to an orientation to complete the application process. Orientation takes place prior to a new enrollment period.
After orientation, you will be placed in classes and classes begin.
How many HiSET/GED class levels are there?
There are four class levels for math and language arts classes. Students are placed into classes based on their assessment results.
Where are classes held?
In-person classes are held on the 十大彩票平台 campus, and virtual classes are held via Zoom.
How do register for a high school equivalency test (HiSET/GED)?
Students register online to take the HiSET/GED exam through the Educational Testing Service.
Students register online to take the GED test through GED.com.
Where will I take my high school equivalency test (HiSET/GED)
There are various HiSET/GED testing centers in the region. When you register to take the test can select your testing location. The 十大彩票平台 Testing Center in the Ira H. Rubenzahl Student Learning Commons (B19) room 238 is an authorized location.
If you need assistance completing the online registration or have other questions regarding the HiSET/GED exam, please call the Testing Center at (413) 755-4709.
Can you help me explore career, college, or employment opportunities?
Yes. During your enrollment in the program, the Career & Educational Advisor meets with each student and develops a career education plan.
If you want to attend college, the Transition to College Advisor is available to assist you. Please contact the Adult Education Center at (413) 755-4300 or SALC@fenxiong.net.
What should I do while I am on the wait list?
- Take the digital and computer literacy classes under Hampden Prep. Fill out the inquiry form as soon as possible.
- Read daily
- Write daily
- Practice keyboarding at typing.com
- Practice using email by setting up an account
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Workforce Development
Springfield Technical Community College Campus
Building 27, Second Floor
1 Armory Square
Springfield, MA 01102
Phone: (413) 755-4300
FAX: (413) 755-6333
Email: SALC@fenxiong.net
Enrollment Process
- Complete the HiSET/GED Preparation Application Form (LINK).
- Our intake specialist will contact you to schedule an initial appointment.
- Attend an assessment session.
- A link to register for an in-person or on-campus assessment session will be emailed after you meet with our intake specialist
- In-person assessments held on Tuesdays
- Online Assessments held on Thursdays
- Last Assessment Sessions for Spring 2: March 4 (in-person) and March 6 (online)
- Attend New Student Orientation Week
- Students will register for New Student Orientation after they have completed their initial assessment
- New Student Orientation Week for Spring Session 1: March 17 - 20, 2025
- All New Student Orientation Sessions are held in-person
- Begin classes after completing New Student Orientation